Lanin, Boris Aleksandrovich

Doctor of Philology (Moscow Pedagogical University). Dissertation title: The Anti-Utopia
in Russian Literature (XX century). Degree awarded on May 20, 1994.
in Russian Literature (XX century). Degree awarded on May 20, 1994.
‘Candidate of Science in Philology’ (Moscow Pedagogical University). Degree Awarded on
December 16, 1990.
December 16, 1990.
A certified chess teacher
Linguistic skills:
Russian – mother tongue, English – fluent, Polish, German, French, Azerbaijani – social.
Permanent Position:
Since September, 2018 – Professor of Literature, State Russian Institute for Theater
Arts (GITIS), tenured.
Arts (GITIS), tenured.
Previous work experience
January, 1999 –
September, 2018
September, 2018
Professor at the Academy of Education of Russia, Moscow
June 2000 –
April 2001
April 2001
Visiting professor at the Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center, Sapporo, Japan
March 1995 –
January 2000
January 2000
Visiting lecturer at University of Bath, UK (in all, six times)
March 1991 –
January 1999
January 1999
Senior research fellow, Academy of Education of Russia
March 1993 –
May 1994
May 1994
Chair in the Russian Literature Department, Open University of Russia
November 1990 –
March 1993
Dean of Philology, Open University of Russia
December 1990 –
December 1993
December 1993
SLOVESNIK magazine, Editor-in-Chief
October 1989 –
November 1990
November 1990
Senior research fellow, Open University of Russia
September 1983 –
October 1989
October 1989
Teaching Russian language and literature in secondary school 910, Moscow
Research funding
State Foundation for Humanities of Russia – three-years research grant “National Reading
Canon: Pedagogical and Psychological Foundations”
Canon: Pedagogical and Psychological Foundations”
6-month Senior Visiting Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Paris, France.
9-month Visiting Fellowship at Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars, Washington (DC), USA.
International Center for Scholars, Washington (DC), USA.
10-month Visiting Fellowship at Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo –
Kobe University.
Kobe University.
9-month Senior Visiting Fellowship at Stanford
Humanities Center and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford
University, USA.
Humanities Center and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford
University, USA.
The British Academy Visiting Professorship,
July-August, UK.
July-August, UK.
6-month Senior Visiting Fellowship at Central European University, Department of
Sociology and
Anthropology, Budapest, Hungary.
Sociology and
Anthropology, Budapest, Hungary.
6-month Visiting Fellowship, USA at the Kennan Institute – Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars, Washington (DC), USA.
Center for Scholars, Washington (DC), USA.
Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research Grant.
The British Academy Fellowship, University of Bath,
Merits in teaching and pedagogical experience
Invited guest lectures at the following universities:
Invited guest lectures at the following universities:
- Stockholm University (Sweden, 2019)
- Harvard (USA, 2018)
- Wesleyan University (USA, 2018)
- Bloomsburg University (USA, 2018, 2011)
- Boston College (USA, 2018)
- Pomeranian Academy (Poland, 2011)
- Regensburg (Germany, 2016)
- Waseda (Tokyo, Japan, 2012)
- Hokkaido University (Slavic Research Center, Japan, 2012, 2009)
- Tokyo (Japan, 2009)
- Kyoto (Japan, 2009, 2000)
- Kobe University of Foreign Languages (Japan, 2009)
- La Punta (Argentina, 2009)
- Beer-Sheva (Israel, 2007)
- Swarthmore college (USA, 2003)
- Exeter (UK, 2000, 1999)
- Glasgow (UK, 2000)
- Kobe (Japan, 2000)
- Osaka (Japan, 2000)
- SSEES London (UK, 2000, 1995)
- Bristol (UK, 1999, 1995)
- Birmingham (UK, 1995)
- Annual Tartu University Conference, 2021
- Utopias and Anti-Utopias in the Modern World, Rostov, 2020
- The Post-Soviet Politics of Utopia, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019
- Nabokov in Two Languages, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg, 2019
- New Authoritarian Trends in the Modern Europe, Lund, Sweden, 2019
- Nabokov in Two Languages, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg, 2019
- Modern World and Vladimir Nabokov, St Petersburg, 2018
- On Resilience, University of Southern California, Pomeranian Academy, Gdynia, 2018.
- The Significant Names in Modern Russian Literature: Evgenii Vodolazkin, Krakow, 2018
- Utopia and Borders in Slavic Literatures, Uppsala, Sweden, 2017
- Tanatos, Wroclaw, Poland, 2017
- Chronotope Revisited, Sopot, Poland, 2017
- A School Textbook as Ideological Text, Tartu, Estonia, 2017
- Annual Tartu University Conference, 2017
- Center and Periphery in Modern Russian Films, Greifswald, 2016.
- The Significant Names in Modern Russian Literature: Mikhail Shishkin, Krakow, 2016.
- Sound and Silence in the Book and in the Film, Moscow, 2016.
- 25 ans de littérature postsoviétique: quelles évolutions? CEFR de Moscou, 2015.
- Literary Utopia on a Screen, Moscow, 2015.
- Vasilii Grossman’s Oeuvre, Torino-Moscow, 2015.
- The Evolution of Russian Culture in the 19th and the 20th Centuries: Perspectives from East and West, Tokyo, 2014.
- Laughter in Russian Literature, Moscow, 2014.
- Annual Congress of Slavic Association of Japan, Tokyo, 2013
- The Catastrophe and Resurrection, Sapporo, 2013
- Andrey Tarkovsky in Intellectual and Artistic Culture, Ivanovo, 2013.
- Russian Émigré Literature, Sapporo, 2012.
- Laughter and Irony in Modern Russian Literature, Moscow, 2012.
- The Evolution of Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century: Body, Voice and Periphery, Tokyo, 2012.
- VIII World Congress for Central and East European Studies, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
- The Work of Nikolai Gogol’, Seoul, Korea, 2009.
- First East Asian Conference for Slavic Eurasian Studies, Sapporo, Japan, 2009.
- Boundary Encounters: Heteroglossia, Heterochrony, The Norwegian University Centre in St Petersburg, Russia, 2008.
- Beyond the Empire: Images of Russia in the Eurasian Cultural Context, Sapporo-Kyoto, Japan, 2006.
- SF on the Threshold of a New Century, Moscow State University, Russia,
- Les imaginaries européens, University of Cluj-Napoka, Romania, 2005
- Censorship in Modern Russia, The Kennan Institute, Moscow, Russia, 2005
- Modern Russian Literature, Kyoto State University, Japan, 2001.
- Russian Culture in a New Century, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2001.
- International Symposium Russian Culture on the Threshold of a New Century, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2000.
- Since 2021 – Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Conversatoria Litteraria’
- Since 1993 – Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Russian Journal for Literary Criticism’
- Since 2014 – Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Herald of Bryansk State University’ (Russia)
- Since 2011 – Member of the Editorial Board of ‘New Theories in Pedagogy’ Journal (Russia)
- Since 2005 – Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Caietele Echinox’ Journal (Romania – France).
- Since 2013 – Member of the Editorial Board of ‘The New Knowledge’ Journal (Russia)